Criteria and Instructions for Abstract and Proposal Submission and Selection


Abstracts and Proposals submitted will be peer-reviewed and selected based on the following criteria: 

  • relevance to the sub-theme, 
  • clarity of the overview of the proposal,
  • explanation of the methodology used (or proposed to be used), 
  • process of engagement during the presentation, 
  • significance of the abstract/proposal, and  
  • clear, unambiguous and written in an acceptable standard. 

In cases of multiple entries of the same submission, the latest entry will be considered. All previous entries will be deleted without notification. 

Abstracts and proposals should be written concisely and clearly in English, the official language of the event.

Abstract submissions for single papers/posters should not exceed 200 words. Proposal submissions for workshops/panels/demonstrations should not exceed 400 words. Interested individuals can submit more than one.


  • Last date for submission of proposals: 30 January 2025
  • Notification of proposal approval: 1 March 2025 

You must have an EasyChair account to submit a proposal.

If you do not have an EasyChair account, go to the EasyChair website, click on Log in and then click on Create an account.

All proposals should be submitted online at: Submissions

Please ensure your proposal meets the following requirements: 

  1. the document must be saved in DOC, DOCX, ODT, ODF or RTF file format 
  2. the font type and size must be Times New Roman, 10pt, in single-spaced format 
  3. the title must appear at the top of the page 
  4. the abstract/proposal must be no longer than 200 words (for a paper) or 400 words (for a workshop, panel discussion or marketplace demonstration). 

Review Process

All abstracts and proposals will go through blind review by peer reviewers identified by the Programme Committee of PCF11. The criteria for acceptance of the proposals will cover the following: 

  • is related to the sub-theme 
  • is complete, clear and well-organised 
  • The significance, applicability and interest to the field (relevance beyond the case presented) are clearly articulated 
  • The problem is clearly described within a theoretical framework (where appropriate) 
  • The research design and methodology are appropriate for the study 
  • is written in an acceptable standard of English 

The corresponding author, who must be registered in the system, will be notified of the results of the review within four weeks of submission. Reviewers may make recommendations for improvement of a draft submission that has received preliminary acceptance. These recommendations must be adequately addressed by the author (or authors) to ensure final acceptance. 

Submission of Full Papers/ Presentations 

There will be no print publication of papers submitted at PCF11. Authors whose proposals are accepted will be requested to submit their papers and presentations online using a new link to be provided at that time. Full papers should not be uploaded to the proposals submission link.

For examples of previous conference papers, see: Conference Proceedings & Working Papers

Approved papers may be shared by COL on its online open access repository of learning resources, OAsis. For COL OAsis, papers should not exceed 4,000 words. All papers shared on COL OAsis will be licensed Creative Commons-Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence.

Submission Pre-requisites

Kindly ensure that you adhere to the following while submitting your full paper: 

  • The paper must be an original contribution that has not been published before and is not being considered for publication elsewhere 
  • The paper must demonstrate sound research principles and include complete and adequate referencing (In accordance with APA 7.0 style) 
  • The paper must be between 3,000 and 4,000 words in length (excluding title and author details) and well written — that is, clearly structured to facilitate readability and free of spelling and grammatical mistakes. Use single space, A4 size, text font type, and the size must be Times New Roman, 10pt, in single-spaced format. Follow three levels of headings, where applicable 
  • Your paper must not contain third-party copyright content 
  • The name and affiliations of the author (or authors) must be included at the top of the paper between Title and Abstract 
  • At least one author must be registered to attend the Forum. If paid conference registration is still incomplete by the last date for registration, the paper will not be included in the Forum schedule 
  • By submitting a paper, authors give consent for that paper and the authorship details to be featured in the Forum programme book 
  • You will also have the option of submitting your presentations (only if the full paper is accepted/accepted with modification for presentation). Please note that you must follow the guidelines you receive when you upload your presentation (in PPT or PPTX formats).

Guidelines for Poster Preparation 

The Poster Session provides an alternative for authors to share and present brief summaries of their work to all conference participants and attendees. It is required that at least one presenter per accepted poster be registered to attend the Forum. While submitting the poster, we recommend that the poster be submitted as a single A4 size document in PPT or PPTX or PDF format. 

We expect to provide presentation space for the poster presentation. Authors are expected to bring their poster in 420 X 594 mm size.